Sunday, 26 January 2025


List three experiences in your life that have shaped who you are.

Good evening, folks!! I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday 😊

Today's prompt gives me a lot to think about. It is, in my opinion, a very profound reflection. It has always been very difficult for me to define anything in small quantities: top 3, top 5, top 1! So, I'm always left thinking there's more to what I'm sharing but due to limited space and in order not to bore you I will just pick the ones I belive to be transformative in some way.

Let's begin with the first one: I've always been someone who has struggled quite a lot in making friends. When I was at primary school, I didn't have many friends and my classmates were mean most of the time. In secondary school, I managed to have a nice group of friends who stuck with me throughout that time. When high school was over, it was very difficult for me to keep in touch with them. University life started and I managed to have a lovely group of friends but because of different circumstances and life choices we split up after we graduated.

Work life started when I was 19 years old. Work environment brought plenty of new faces and of course new opportunities. It  was the first time I started actually belonging somewhere so I started making friends and keeping them - in fact, most of my current group of friends I met at work - Through work I started doing other activities that brought me other friends close together such as working out, exchange study trips and online networking.

Moving on with the second experience that had an impact on my life is the operation I hnad to go through about three years ago when a big lump was taken out of my ovary and they had to remove it together with the falopyan tube on the right side. I remember feeling completely paralysed before the date and it made me realised that life is very short and we should never take anything or anyone for granted.

The thrid experience that comes to mind is somewhat related to the first one I wrote. When I was unemployed for a couple of months I began to think and feel very little of myself. A friend of mine gifted me a wonderful book that would help me regain my worth and start fresh in my pursuit of happiness and employment. I highly recommend reading YOUR ERRONEOUS ZONES by Wayne Dyer. I wrote about this book some weeks ago but every time I'm faced with life-changing prompts this book is what comes to mind. It truly opened my eyes in so many ways that I read it and reread it a lot at that point in my life.

With this last paragraph, I end today's reflection. Thank you for reading this far or even attempting to read part of it. It means the world to me to be able to express my gratitude every day in different ways.


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