Friday, 6 October 2017

Love (is blind) and Madness (walks with it)

My beloved bloggers,

It's been a while since I last wrote. I haven't had any kind of inspiration or even randomness to share with the Universe... I mean, with you, my readers... wait? Are you MY readers? Do you follow ME? Hmmm, maybe I'm wrong (or Maybe I'm Amazed ;)

Anyway, for a few weeks now, I've been willing to share this well-known fable, legend, beautiful story from an unknown (?) author (psst, if you know the author, let me know in the comments below, please :) ). It's about the most complex human emotion ever created... LOVE (and all the others)

I don't remember when it was the first time I ever read or heard this story, but it's come up again in a recent discussion with a student of mine while dealing with the topic of LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS.

Enjoy it, comment it, share it. SPREAD LOVE. LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED.

Love and Madness....why love is blind....

A long time ago, before the world was created and humans set foot on it for the first time, the virtues and vices wandered bored, not knowing what to do.

As Tedium yawned for the third time in a row, Ingenious came up with an idea: “Let’s play hide and seek!”

Cabal raised her eyebrow and Curiosity couldn’t help but ask: “Hide and seek? What’s that supposed to be?”

“It’s a game” replied Ingenious. “One of us will start counting. From 1 to 1000 000.In the meantime all the others will hide. When the one counting is done he’ll start looking for us and the last one to be discovered wins.”

All of them liked the idea immediately. Excitement and Euphoria started dancing with joy.

And Joy was cutting capors in such an enthusiastic way that even Doubt and Indifference wanted to take part. Only some of them couldn’t be convinced: Truth preferred not to hide at all, why so? In the end she’d be discovered anyway. Pride thought it was a dumb game (really he was just angry because it hadn’t been his idea) and Cowardice didn’t want to risk too much.

Then Madness shouted: “I want to count, I want to count!”

And since nobody was crazy enough to want to seek Madness, all the others agreed.

Madness leaned against a tree and started to count: “One, two, three…”

As Madness counted, the vices and virtues went hiding. Laziness was the quickest to find a hiding place, he just dropped down behind the nearest stone. Faith rose up to the sky and Envy hid in the shadow of Triumph who had managed to climb all the way up to the top of the tallest tree. Generosity had difficulty to find a place to hide in because each spot seemed to be the perfect hideout for one of her friends.

A crystal clear lake… a wonderful hiding-place for Beauty.

A dark cave… perfect to hide Fear.

On the back of a butterfly… the best spot for Lust.

A gentle breeze… brilliant for Freedom.

Egoism had found the right place from the start, airy and cosy… and just for himself.

Lie said that she would hide behind the rainbow, but hid at the bottom of the sea.

Passion and Desire were hiding in the centre of a volcano and Forgetfullness… well, I forgot where Forgetfullness hid, but that’s unimportant.

As Madness counted: “Nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine…”, Love still hadn’t found a place to hide. Every spot seemed to be already taken.

But then her eyes fell on a rose bush and she decided to hide between its branches.

“One million!” counted Madness and he started to search for the others.

First to be discovered was Laziness, just three paces away from the nearest stone.

Then one could hear Faith arguing with God about theology.

Passion and Desire could be heard vibrating inside the volcano.

At a lucky moment Madness found Envy lurking in the shadow of Triumph and thus discovered Triumph too. Lie was found hiding at the bottom of the sea, no wait she was behind the rainbow. Egoism turned up all by himself because his hidey-hole turned out to be a wasps’ nest.

All the running and seeking made Madness quite thirsty and when he approached the lake he found Beauty. Doubt had been easy enough to find too for he was sitting on a fence unable to decide on which side he should hide. Thus madness discovered one after the other. Talent lying in the lush grass; Fear cowering in a dark cave.

Only Love was nowhere to be seen. Madness looked everywhere. He sought in every nook and cranny. And just as he wanted to give up he saw the rose bush. He picked up a little branch and started stabbing wildly at the rose bush. He stabbed and stabbed until a heart-breaking cry made him stop. Love emerged from the bush covering her face with

her hands.

Madness, so anxious to find Love, had stabbed out Love’s eyes. “What have I done! What have I done” Madness shouted. “I have left you blind!” and he started crying and he apologised and promised her to be her guide forever more.

And so it came about that from that day on, since the first game of hide and seek was played on this earth, Love was blind and was always accompanied by Madness

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