Write about a moment this week that you were grateful for your senses.
This is actually quite on point. Yesterday I was giving an online private lesson and my friend who is also my student shared why she could not be present the class before. She had been suffering from some severe earache lately so she had decided to go for a check up at the ER. Doctors explained the pain was due to the fact that she had been using headphones on that ear more than the other one and she needed to pour some drops for a couple of days.
At that moment I immediately thought of the way I listen to music every single day on my headphones and how grateful I am of not suffering any ache... at least so far. A great wake up call to start being more minful of all my senses and how sometimes we take them for granted believing they never get any injury.
What senses have you become more aware of yourselves? Share your lovely thoughts!
Thanks for reading!!