Wednesday, 1 September 2021

A Potus Life - an impromptu story created by Belu and written by myself :)

 🌱 A Potus Life 🌱

Hey world! 🌎 

We were talking in class when we came up with this idea of having a "Potus week off" but, what does that mean you may ask? 🤔

Well, the idea is getting one week off not working, nor studying; not socializing, not doing any other thing than sitting on the couch, moving your arms in a “waving potus” style (that is optional, but essential too, I mean, you’re a potus, duh)

And maybe we were asking: where does this idea come from? (If you’re not asking that, we really have no idea why you are still reading 💁) The truth is that we are tired of EVERYTHING. We are going through a pandemic, we are still working and still living in South America… I MEAN… RIGHT? You catch my drift? 

Initially, this was an idea for a blog, but while we were writing we noticed that this SHOULD and WOULD be a decree. Therefore, now we need your help. You could be part of this too by signing this petition *insert future link* 📝

“Because deep within our hearts we are all potuses faking an active life” 💚🌱

Belu - Geek and Modern Philosopher.

Thank you for reading.

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