Friday, 17 August 2018

Being involved in the Arts makes people feel better.

As promised, my beloved blog readers, here I am (come and take me... LOL giving you my second Essay Assignment while attending the preparatory course for Cambridge IELTS Exam.

Nowadays, people get too stressed trying to make ends meet every month. The opportunity for participating in activities outside work creates a sense of fulfillment that changes people's mindsets. Art can be said to have amazing effects on most people. What needs to be considered is  "the remaining few".

Let's start by stating that any kind of artistic expression is always welcome when the need to release energy is present in any individual. Examples can be found in several famous people such as Van Gogh, Poe, Da Vinci, to name a few. They didn't have an easy life so they discovered that channeling their emotions through Art would help them feel better.

Conversely, the constant criticism, being in the spotlight, or even having the feeling that it is never enough, makes other people feel frustrated or even depressed leading, in some unfortunate cases, to fatal outcomes. Such are the cases of famous celebrities either on TV or in films.

All being said, given the fact that Art is considered a positive outlet for expressing feelings and boosting self-esteem in people, there are still some issues that need to be taken into consideration as well. Nonetheless, I still encourage the promotion of Art as a means to develop people's confidence and a sense of bliss.

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