Saturday, 23 July 2016

Change of plans...

Sorpresas que te da el desorden de tus estantes al reciclar y reducir papeles, apuntes y fotocopias de la facultad: encontrarte con un draft de una historia que nunca mandaste a corregir ni nunca diste a conocer a ningún profesor, compañero de facu ó amigo. Me dio tanta nostalgia encontrarla que decidí liberarla al Universo y compartirla con ustedes, mis queridos lectores. No modifiqué el argumeto, la estructura ni los personajes. Lo que leerán es lo que originalmente escribí hace 12 años:

Change of Plans

Characters: Peter - 25 - project manager at a big company.
                    Jane - 45 - clothes designer.

It was a sunny day in Dover. Peter had decided to enjoy himself swimming in the oean as it was his first day on holiday there. When he finished swimming, he saw an attractive woman sunbathing near the shore. He decided to approach her and a couple of minutes later they were having an amusing chat.

As time went by, things went on smoothly but rather quickly. By the second week, when Peter had to go back to his home, they had already discussed the fact of moving in together. He went away with the promise of coming back to her and getting married in 2 months' time.

However, it turned out that he didn't keep his word. After a month, Jane received a letter in which he explained to her the reasons why he was not coming back: something unexpected had happened when he was arranging the last details to move out of his apartment. He ran into his former fiancée and the mutual attraction that existed at the beginning of their relationship was renewed. He apologised very deeply and said he would always keep her in his heart.

When Jane finished reading the letter, she burst out crying. Afterwards, she put herself together and made up her mind to move on with her life.

After 10 years' time, Jane lives her life as a successful independent business woman. She owns a big modern apartment in central London and she enjoys a very active social life. On the other hand, Peter is unhappily married and leads a routinary life regreting the decision he made 10 years ago.




  List three things about your job or education that you appreciate Considering both aspects - job and education - I'm most grateful tha...