Good afternoon, my beloved readers!!!
It's been a while but I'm back now so... goodbye boredom! LOL :)
Today's prompt is very interesting indeed because it's a question we tend to have a quick answer to but I'm guessing most of us don't stop to reflect and be grateful for enough. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
What is something about your community or city that you’re grateful for?
It's difficult in this day and age to be grateful for and appreciative of our community and the city we live in but I'm going to try and give my best.
To begin with, when talking about MY COMMUNITY the first thing that comes to mind is the people who live near me: call it neighbours in my block of flat, neighbours in my area - blocks I can go easily on foot from my house.
I'm grateful for my community because they mind their own but when there is someone in need they do not hesitate to help as much as they can. It's very rare to see these days but luckily it still happens.
I'm grateful for my city because I am free to go wherever I want or need and choose how I want to get there: on foot, by car, by bus, by train or by subway. I tend to complain because of all the bustle and hustle but in the end I believe it allows life for me to be easier when I need it to be.