Friday, 21 February 2025


 Good afternoon, my beloved readers!!!

It's been a while but I'm back now so... goodbye boredom! LOL :)

Today's prompt is very interesting indeed because it's a question we tend to have a quick answer to but I'm guessing most of us don't stop to reflect and be grateful for enough. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

What is something about your community or city that you’re grateful for?

It's difficult in this day and age to be grateful for and appreciative of our community and the city we live in but I'm going to try and give my best.

To begin with, when talking about MY COMMUNITY the first thing that comes to mind is the people who live near me: call it neighbours in my block of flat, neighbours in my area - blocks I can go easily on foot from my house. 

I'm grateful for my community because they mind their own but when there is someone in need they do not hesitate to help as much as they can. It's very rare to see these days but luckily it still happens. 

I'm grateful for my city because I am free to go wherever I want or need and choose how I want to get there: on foot, by car, by bus, by train or by subway. I tend to complain because of all the bustle and hustle but in the end I believe it allows life for me to be easier when I need it to be.


Tuesday, 4 February 2025


 Reflect on an act of kindness you witnessed or received today

Today's prompt is very difficult to write abour because I haven't been out much except for going to my parents' to have lunch or going to the gym.

What I can say about this prompt if it is still valid is that a friend of mine thanked me for helping her study for un upcoming exam and I felt appreciated.

I can't think of any other thing... I know this is my worst post! Please forgive me!

Maybe you can inspire me and others with your own stories? How would you answer to this statement?


Monday, 3 February 2025


 What is a quality in yourself that you’re thankful for?

When it comes to thinking about my own qualities at times it can be very challenging depending on the situation and the mood I'm going through. Right now I believe the quality in myself I'm most grateful for is being attentive to others. 

As with everything and a rule of gold in life is that you cannot please everyone and it is difficult to understand at times why some people get angry or distance themselves from you. So I just focus on all the good I can do by listening to others and showing up as much as I can. 

Yesterday I was having a lovely family lunch with my parents and one of my brothers with his family because thay had returned from their holidays abroad. On the same day I was invited to a friend's house to play a board game. I was very anxious on how to be present in both meetings so my dad had the idea of having lunch with the family and a bit before tea time be at my friend's house. It worked wonders. 

On the other hand, I still have anxiety with meeting friends I haven't seen in months and one way or the other it becomes very difficult to meet in person so I start dreading the thoughts of what they might think of it or say about it. 

What qualities are you most grateful for?

Thanks for reading!!


Saturday, 1 February 2025


Write about a moment this week that you were grateful for your senses.

This is actually quite on point. Yesterday I was giving an online private lesson and my friend who is also my student shared why she could not be present the class before. She had been suffering from some severe earache lately so she had decided to go for a check up at the ER. Doctors explained the pain was due to the fact that she had been using headphones on that ear more than the other one and she needed to pour some drops for a couple of days.

At that moment I immediately thought of the way I listen to music every single day on my headphones and how grateful I am of not suffering any ache... at least so far. A great wake up call to start being more minful of all my senses and how sometimes we take them for granted believing they never get any injury. 

What senses have you become more aware of yourselves? Share your lovely thoughts!

Thanks for reading!!



  List three things about your job or education that you appreciate Considering both aspects - job and education - I'm most grateful tha...